The CEO Mindset: How to Dress and Act Like a Leader
The CEO Mindset: How to Dress and Act Like a Leader
Hey guys. In today's fiercely competitive world, there are only a few who make it to the top. Those who do have a mindset that is required to be successful leaders. Let me tell you, though, it takes more than just hard work and dedication to get to the top. Men who aspire to be leaders need to act and dress like one. The way you present yourself can leave a lasting impression on your colleagues and superiors. In this blog post, I'll provide you with tips and guidelines that will help you achieve the CEO mindset that you need to succeed in the professional world.
Dressing for Success
Dressing for success is an integral part of the CEO mindset. It shows that you take your job seriously and are willing to invest in yourself. Dressing professionally can also increase your confidence and help you make a good impression on your colleagues and superiors. Dressing for success doesn't mean you have to wear expensive designer clothes. It means dressing appropriately for your job and industry.
When I started working for a home builder, they hired me as a Superintendent. The way I dressed on my first day changed that. The boss saw that I was wearing some clothes that did not fit me, worn down shoes, and looked scraggly.
He immediately sent me to labor work, which I ended up doing for the next 4 months. Finally, one of the other superintendents in the area stopped me and said, “do you want to be a laborer forever or do you want to move up to be a superintendent?” I replied, “I was hired to be a superintendent!” He replied smugly, “you don’t dress or act like a super.” That one comment is what changed my whole path. That night I went out and bought some shirts that fit me well, with a button-up collar, jeans that didn’t have holes in them, and new boots. The next week, I was learning to manage trades and houses underneath the boss.
The importance of dressing the part you want cannot be understated. A lot of us enter the workplace with our existing fashion ideas and think that our job should conform to us and our “uniqueness.” This is a load of crap. If the company asks you to wear a collared shirt tucked in at all times, then do it! This will show them you are willing to commit to the role and succeed. If you have a beer belly, then work on losing some weight. This will greatly help your appearance and suitability if there is a role above you that opens up. Unfortunately, those of us with good looks have an easier time being hired and moving up. You don’t have to be Brad Pitt, but there are simple ways for you to maximize the way you look. Invest in some simple skin care products, remove any unwanted hair consistently, hydrate, moisturize, and CLEAN YOUR TEETH. Bad breath is a sure way to get looked past, no matter how handsome you are.
Good Example: You dress professionally for a job interview. You wear a suit and tie and make sure that your hair and nails are well-groomed. You make a great first impression on the interviewer, and your appearance suggests that you take the interview seriously and are a good fit for the job. This shows that you are prepared and that you care about how the interviewer perceives you.
Bad Example: You show up to a job interview wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Your appearance suggests that you aren’t sure you should be there, and you didn’t prepare. This will tell the interviewer that you don’t take them, or the job seriously.
Making the Boss Look Good
Making your boss look good is an essential part of being a leader. It shows that you are a team player and can contribute to the success of the company. You can achieve this by taking on tasks that your boss doesn't have time for or by finding ways to improve the company's performance. However, it's important to remember that you should never take credit for your boss's work. Always give credit where credit is due.
A lot of times we see our bosses as not doing much to contribute to the team. We see them sit at their desk all day, go to lunch for 2 hours with clients, always talking with the other office members etc. Sometimes this is true. Maybe they got promoted because they are a friend of the owner, maybe they are family, or maybe they are just good a blowing smoke.
Other times, the boss had to work his butt off for years and make many mistakes that taught him how to handle even the toughest situations. Either way, if you want to get ahead, make the boss look good. In "The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene, he talks about power and influence. Law #1 talks about not outshining the master. The law is based on the idea that when you're working for someone in a position of power, you should be careful not to make them feel threatened by your intelligence or abilities. The reasoning behind this is that if you make your boss feel insecure or overshadowed, it could lead to resentment and potentially harm your career prospects. According to the book, it's better to keep a low profile, be respectful, and let your boss take credit for your work. By doing so, you can gain their trust and support, and potentially earn their favor in the long run. This also helps boost their ego when they are seen as “competent” by the owners which makes them feel good in your presence.
Good Example: You notice that your boss is struggling to meet a deadline. You offer to help by taking on some of his workload. You can do some of the hard tasks, which help him, but also help you learn the hard part of the job when the time comes to prove yourself. This puts you at an advantage if the owners ever come to the boss and ask him who he believes is the right person for the coming promotion.
Bad Example: You take credit for a project that your boss worked on. Not only will it make the boss look like he didn’t help, or maybe didn’t know, he looks incompetent. This will reflect negatively on you because now he has some resentment that overshadows you in his eyes. When a promotion comes, he might pass you over for someone who is less competent so he can look better.
Speaking with Power
Speaking with power is another important aspect of the CEO mindset. It involves using confident body language, maintaining good posture, and speaking clearly and concisely. When you speak with power, you command attention and respect from your audience.
Speaking has a lot of components to it. There is tonation, breath control, body language, facial expression, body posture, etc.
When it comes to speaking with power, there are several things to keep in mind. First, it's important to use confident body language. This means standing up straight, making eye contact with your audience, and using open gestures to convey a sense of confidence and authority. When you spread out your expressions and take up space, it makes you more authoritative and like you own the space around you.
A study published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science found that participants who were instructed to hold their arms in an expansive posture while speaking felt more powerful and in control, and their speech was perceived as more persuasive and authoritative by listeners. Slouching or hunching over can make you appear insecure or uninterested in what you're saying, which can detract from your message.
Maintaining good posture is also important when speaking with power. This means keeping your shoulders back, your head up, your chin out, and your chest open. Not only does good posture convey confidence and authority, but it can also help you breathe more easily and project your voice more effectively.
Another key aspect of speaking with power is using clear and concise language. This means avoiding filler words like “um” and “uh” and using precise language to convey your message. Make sure you are controlling any nervous ticks you may have as well like clearing your throat, smacking your lips, blinking etc. It's also important to vary your tone and pace to keep your audience engaged and interested in what you're saying. Speaking in a monotone or using a single pace can make you appear dull or unenthusiastic. Upward inflection is important in moderation, but make sure you end the sentence in a downward inflection unless asking a question.
Finally, projecting your voice is crucial when speaking with power. This means speaking loudly enough so that everyone in the room can hear you, without shouting or straining your voice. It's important to find a balance between volume and clarity so that your audience can understand what you're saying without feeling overwhelmed by the sound of your voice.
By focusing on these elements of speaking with power, you can become a more effective communicator and gain respect and admiration from your colleagues and superiors. Whether you're giving a presentation or leading a meeting, speaking with power can help you make a lasting impression and achieve your professional goals.
Good Example: You give a presentation to your colleagues and superiors. You walk around the room, spreading out your arms, and moving with good posture. Your audience will see this and pay more attention due to respecting your communication style and being engaged/impressed by your presentation.
Bad Example: You give a presentation to your colleagues and superiors. You slouch, mumble, and use filler words like "um" and "uh". The audience will quickly lose patience and start to get irritated with what you have to say. They will begin to tune you out and your message will not be effective. Your audience is disengaged and unimpressed by your presentation.
Networking with the Guys at the Top
Networking is an essential part of professional growth. It helps you meet new people and expand your professional circle. To network successfully, you need to be confident and approachable. You should also be prepared to talk about yourself and your accomplishments. Networking can help you gain valuable insights into the industry and the company you work for.
Networking with the top executives in your industry is an essential part of professional growth and can greatly benefit your career and upward mobility.
By introducing yourself and talking about your experience and accomplishments, you can gain valuable insights into the industry and the company you work for. Especially when you have made some notable advancements and achievements that you can attribute to your team. This shows you are a team player and that you don’t take all the credit for your team’s accomplishments. Additionally, networking can help you meet new people and expand your professional circle, which can lead to new job opportunities, promotions, and other career advancements. To network successfully, you need to be confident and approachable, and be prepared to talk about yourself and your accomplishments. Always have a smile or a grin, don’t have closed body language, and make sure you are trimmed and smell good. It's also important to follow up with the people you meet, exchange business cards, and send an email the next day to continue the conversation and build a relationship.
Good Example: You attend a networking event with some of the top executives in your industry. You introduce yourself and talk about your experience and accomplishments. Someone at the event finds you fascinating and wants to hire you for their industry which you have been pursuing for years, You exchange business cards and follow up with an email the next day. This is an example of the power of networking. A lot of times, meeting people in person is far better than finding them online.
Bad Example: You attend a networking event but spend the entire time sitting in the corner, not talking to anyone. You miss out on valuable opportunities to meet new people and expand your professional circle. People at the event will avoid you and you won’t gain any influence, which is no different than any other day. Get out of your comfort zone and meet new people. You might meet the one marketing person you have been looking for. You might meet the manager you need to run your business. Put yourself out there.
Taking Responsibility
Taking responsibility is a key trait of successful leaders. It involves owning up to your mistakes and taking steps to correct them. When you take responsibility, you show that you are accountable and reliable.
Taking responsibility for your actions is crucial not only for achieving success in your professional life but also for personal growth. When you take responsibility, you are acknowledging that you have control over your life and the decisions you make. This ownership of your problems and successes will help you develop a positive mindset that is focused on solutions rather than blame.
You cannot fix a problem in your life without accepting that you have some role in causing the problem. We find it so easy to take responsibility for our successes, talking about how hard it was and how we overcame the struggle. When it comes to our failures, we find taking responsibility much more difficult. By taking responsibility, you can learn from your mistakes and take steps to correct them, which can help you achieve your dreams. It's important to remember that success is not just about talent or hard work, but also about taking risks, learning from failures, and taking responsibility for your actions. So, if you want to achieve your dreams, take responsibility for your life and start taking action today.
Good Example: You make a mistake on a project. You take responsibility for the mistake and work to correct it. This shows initiative and ownership. The bosses can trust that you will own up to your mistakes, which means you will not make them easily. They know that they will not have to fight the answer out of you or your colleagues. Your colleagues and superiors appreciate your honesty and reliability.
Bad Example: You make a mistake on a project. You blame someone else for the mistake and refuse to take responsibility. The boss will ask around and find the truth. This will show that you can make calls but not correct them or take responsibility. Why would the boss give you more responsibility or trust you to take on more jobs? I don’t know about you, but if I don’t trust someone, I don’t want them anywhere near me. At the end of the day, if you don’t own up, your colleagues and boss will lose trust and respect in you.
The CEO mindset is all about acting and dressing like a leader. It requires confidence, professionalism, and the ability to communicate effectively. By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this blog post, you can start your journey to the top with the right mindset. Remember to always be respectful, take responsibility for your actions, and maintain good posture and eye contact. With time and effort, you can achieve the CEO mindset and become a successful leader in your industry.
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