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the dead scholar society

Join the rebellion to reclaim our roots and fortify our spirit, as we rediscover the ancient wisdom that fuels our collective strength and well-being

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"A man who stares evil in the face and smiles, is a man that cannot be defeated."
-Dead Scholar Society

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Echo Chambers and Tribalism: Why Men Are More Prone to Groupthink Today - DeadScholarSociety

Echo Chambers and Tribalism: Why Men Are More Prone to Groupthink Today

In today's society, men are increasingly susceptible to groupthink, where echo chambers and tribalism reinforce narrow viewpoints and stifle independent thought. The rise of social media and online...

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The Importance of Men Learning Hard Lessons: The Path from Boy to Man - DeadScholarSociety

The Importance of Men Learning Hard Lessons: The Path from Boy to Man

Discover why it's crucial for men to learn hard lessons. These lessons help elevate from boyhood to manhood, including walking away from toxic relationships, finding purpose, learning from mentors,...

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The Silent Killer of Success: Conquering the Devil of Distraction - DeadScholarSociety

The Silent Killer of Success: Conquering the Devil of Distraction

Have you ever started something exciting, that you poured all of your heart and soul into, but never followed through with it? Or possibly, you knew what needed to be done, but instead of tackling ...

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Making Friends for Men: Top 10 Ways to Connect and Why It's Essential - DeadScholarSociety

Making Friends for Men: Top 10 Ways to Connect and Why It's Essential

In a world where social connections are often fleeting and superficial, the art of making true friends is a challenge many men face. Friendships are needed to keep our brains engaged and happy. At ...

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Top 5 Techniques for Controlling Emotions In Difficult Discussions - DeadScholarSociety
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Top 5 Techniques for Controlling Emotions In Difficult Discussions

Communication is a vital skill that plays a crucial role in both personal and professional relationships. For men, expressing emotions constructively can sometimes be challenging. However, with the...

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Simple Steps To Changing Your Life and Gaining Your Freedom - DeadScholarSociety

Simple Steps To Changing Your Life and Gaining Your Freedom

Men must learn all the skills they can in today's age, or risk getting left behind in society. In our world, competitiveness and capabilities are the most important skills to have. In order to get ...

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